Happy holidays

We thank you for your support and wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas filled with joy, reflection and precious moments. Our Christmas picture shows our employees Maurice, Lydie, Osé and Rose cheerfully decorating the Christmas tree in Otélé, Cameroon. L’eau c’est la vie – Water is life

Impressions of our 2024 information event

At the end of August, we celebrated the 35th anniversary of our “Water is Life” drinking water project in Otélé, Cameroon. Take a look at our impressions of this informative and entertaining event at the Brickworks Museum in Hagendorn. They are delighted with the successful event and the interest from the region: Daniela Mettler, Managing…


EINLADUNG ZUR INFO-VERANSTALTUNG Wie laden alle Interessieren ein ins Ziegelei-Museum nach Hagendorn. Unser Technische Leiter Balz Koller berichtet aus der Praxis vom Brunnenbau und teilt mit Ihnen seine Erfahrungen aus Kamerun. Massar Dieng and Friends unterhalten mit Musik und Tanz aus Afrika. Zudem besteht die Möglichkeit, an einer Führung im Ziegelei-Museum teilzunehmen. Es ist keine…

The challenges of well construction

The challenges of well construction The construction of wells is a decisive step towards ensuring a reliable water supply. Although this is a tried and tested and enjoyable task for us, it presents numerous challenges that must first be overcome: From difficult road conditions to a lack of local support, we often face a variety…

Our first year in Cameroon

Our first year in Cameroon After their first year as administrative managers (DAF), we asked Marisa Halter and Michaël Golay about their impressions. In the picture you can see them together with the technical director couple Balz Koller and Angelina Schaffner. What have been your most impressive experiences so far? We take our hats off…

Change in the management

We say goodbye to our longtime administrative leader couple Werner Mathys and Marion Barak and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for all they have done for “l’eau c’est la vie” and the community in Cameroon. Thanks to their efforts, not only has access to clean drinking water been improved, but educational…